Thursday, February 24, 2011

Finding the Domain Controllers for a Domain

Finding the Domain Controllers for a Domain

This topic explains how to use the Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell to find the domain controllers for a domain in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).


The following example demonstrates how to find the domain controllers for the domain:
Get-ADDomainController -Discover -DomainName FABRIKAM.COM

Additional information

In addition to the standard Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) attributes, you can retrieve the following extended properties of the Get-ADDomainController cmdlet by using the -Properties parameter:
  • ComputerObjectDN
  • Domain
  • Enabled
  • Forest
  • IsGlobalCatalog
  • IsReadOnly
  • OperatingSystem
  • OperatingSystemHotfix
  • OperatingSystemServicePack
  • OperatingSystemVersion
  • ServerObjectGuid
For a full explanation of the parameters that you can pass to Get-ADDomainController, at the Active Directory module command prompt, type Get-Help Get-ADDomainController –detailed, and then press ENTER.

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