Thursday, March 24, 2011

Run your own unix webserver part3

I imagine thousands, if not millions, of inquisitive geeks out there with their FreeBSD servers ready to go. Apache, PHP, and MySQL are installed, and they're just waiting , wondering..."Now What?"

Well the wait is over, my furry little geek friends. Cancel your World of Warcraft membership and do what real men do - run a UNIX web server.

In this lesson, we configure Apache and serve up a PHP page.

This document assumes: This document also assumes that:
  • at least one domain name points to your server
    The one I'm using is Replace that with your domain in the references below.
  • your server has at least one static IP address
    The one I'm using is Again, replace my example IP with your real IP below.
Let's go...I promise this will be quick.

Make a home for your website

SSH to your server as the user 'web' and create the website root directory:
mkdir ~/www/

Make a homepage for your site

You can later go back and upload a better site, but for now, we'll just make a quick PHP-driven index page in the website root directory.

Use vi to create and open the index file:
vi ~/www/
Add the following content:
Save and quit vi. Good. We have a web directory and a home page.

Edit Apache's configuration file

We need to tell Apache where the new site is. I prefer using name-based Virtual Hosts

Use vi to create and open Apache's config file, called httpd.conf:
vi ~/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Scroll to the bottom and add the following. (Remember, replace my example domain and IP with your real ones)
NameVirtualHost # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # DocumentRoot /home/www/ ServerName CustomLog "|/usr/local/apache/bin/rotatelogs /usr/local/apache/logs/ 604800" combined DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm ServerName Redirect /

Start Apache

Starting and stopping apache requires SuperUser (root) privileges, so type su, and enter root's password.

In case the web server was already running, we'll try and stop it first. If you get an error about apache not running, don't worry...
apachectl stop
Before starting or restarting Apache, I test any configuration edit's I've made.
apachectl configtest
You should get, Syntax OK.

Finally, start the server:
apachectl start
In the future, after making Apache configuration changes, restart the server like this:
apachectl configtest apachectl graceful
That gracefully stops the server, re-reads the configuration, and starts up again.

Launch Party

Open up your favorite browser and go to the site!

If it worked, submit your site to Google, jump out of the nest, and flap your wings. You're on your own now!

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